How to Improve Your Posture
Problems with poor posture can often be due to little habits that we continually do over time such as sitting twisted or with a foot under our bum when sitting or the couch to slouching when we drive. Poor posture can even be exacerbated by sitting cross-legged or spending too much time on devices or being stuck in traffic. Incorrect posture can also be related to the work we do or other activities that cause us to overuse certain joints or muscles. Ideal posture allows us to keep each part of the body in alignment with the rest of the body, therefore, allowing all the parts to be balanced and supported. BY having correct posture it reduces the amount of load on the joints and excessive strain on the muscles and ligaments. So how do we correct and achieve the perfect posture? We have a few great tips to help.
Improving your posture at home
In our modern, technological day, we often spend hours scrolling through our phones, even if we’ve got the telly on. If you’ve spent a long time staring at your smartphone or other handheld devices, take a minute to stretch your neck. Tilting your head down puts more pressure on the back of your neck and really strains your spine. Over the course of one simple day, that pressure can add up. To reduce the effects of what we call ‘text neck’, lift your phone up to your eye level and move your eyes rather than your head and when your arm gets tired from holding your phone up it is definitely time to take a break.
When choosing a mattress the most important thing is personal preference choose the level of firmness that you prefer. We can all be a bit of princess and the pea when it comes to mattresses, there is no point in choosing a super firm mattress because it might help you back if it stops you from sleeping at night. When it comes to sleeping posture it also depends on what you prefer side or back. Sleeping on the stomach may feel nice in the short term however it puts an excessive load on your low back and your neck and it can also affect your breathing as well so it recommended to never sleep on your tummy no matter how comfy it may feel. When you are sleeping on your back it may be recommended to place a pillow under your knees to decrease the amount of tension on your nerves and help relax the low back. When sleeping on your side it can also help to place a pillow between your knees to help keep your hips stacked and place less strain on the hips and pelvis. When choosing a pillow it is important to have one fitted to you, this is typically based on several factors such as neck shape and shoulder dimensions, sleeping posture preference (ie. Side sleeper or back sleeper), and softness preference. i
Try not to cross your legs when seated as this can overstretch one side of your body which can lead to a misaligned spine. Additionally, don’t spend too much time sitting in low seats or soft chairs as neither encourages good posture.
Correcting your posture at work
When working in an office, you might opt to wear high heels so that you add an air of professionalism to your style, however, pumps and stilettos can increase the curve of your lower back, overarching your spine. This can change the alignment of your back, putting more pressure on your joints, and can irritate your nerves. Lower, thicker heels are preferred for daily wear and preferably flats if possible.
Most offices will try to encourage good ergonomics for sitting at your desk. This includes keeping your back straight and supported, knees at hip level or approximately 90 degrees, and feet flat on the ground or on a footrest if you can’t reach the floor. Ensure your keyboard is close to the edge of the desk and directly in front of you, with your monitor at eye level and approximately an arms distance away to support a neutral neck position. Relax your shoulders and keep your arms at a 90-degree angle. Be sure to take a break every 60 minutes.
Fixing your driving posture
You may not even realize it, but your posture while driving, even for short periods, may be adversely affecting your well-being. Your car seat should be at a proper distance from your pedals so that you don’t have to reach or slouch to get to the pedals. If you can sit with your back firmly against the seat however if you are short seats can often be too deep for you if this is the case you can place a rolled-up towel behind your back to allow you to sit further forward on the seat while still maintaining adequate support. The headrest should ideally support the middle of the head to keep it upright and relaxed. The headrest should be less than 10 cm away from the back of the head.q
For more information on how to correct your posture, get in touch with our chiropractors at Gonnet Chiropractic for a spinal assessment. Call us today on (07) 3886 4300.